5 Benefits of Branded Apparel for Your Business

5 Benefits of Branded Apparel for Your Business

Effective branding can create a unique and lasting impression of your company. However, building your brand requires investment and time. Branded apparel is a cost-effective option with several benefits for your business. Considering adding branded apparel to your marketing mix. We have compiled 5 major benefits of branded apparel for your business below.

It Increases Brand Awareness

Your business can work with print companies to design custom t-shirts, hats, aprons, and other apparel that carries your brand logo and tagline. When your employees, clients and customers wear the apparel in public, they become walking billboards of your brand, giving your business additional exposure wherever they go.

Work with a printing company to design apparel that represents your brand while being stylish and high-quality enough for people to want to wear it time and time again. The more frequently they wear your branded clothing, the more repeat brand interactions you will get, thus increasing your brand’s familiarity and awareness.

It Ignites Interest

Customers tend to associate branded apparel with large, established companies. By having branded apparel, your company’s professionalism and expertise is boosted in the customers’ eyes. Branded apparel, like uniforms, also give your employees a sense of authority and helps them be seen as experts in their field. As a result, customers can feel more confident in purchasing from you and be assured that you can get the job done.

It Promotes Loyalty and Unity

When your customers have a positive experience with your brand, they are likely to return. People associate brands with experiences. If they had a positive experience with you, next time they see your

logo, they will know what to expect and will gladly choose to work with you or purchase from you again. The more they see your logo on apparel, the more they are reminded of your brand, which can encourage repeat interactions and sales.

Providing your employees with branded apparel can also create a sense of unity amongst them, which can influence their loyalty with your business. Whether the branded apparel is part of their every-day uniform, or your company is participating in a team sport or tradeshow, the branded apparel will give everyone something in common and make them feel like they are part of the team and united in their goals. When all employees wear the same thing, the distinction between management and subordinates is blurred, promoting communication and cooperation amongst everyone. Employees who wear corporate apparel can also identify more strongly with the company’s values, mission and goals, and strive to represent the company well as a result

It’s Cost-Efficient
Traditional marketing tactics like commercials and print ads can cost you more money and resources. Branded apparel is a less expensive but equally effective marketing investment for your business. When the clothing is worn, you get maximum exposure from prospects and the general public. Also, there’s no expiry on the usage of branded clothing – unlike TV advertisements which only last for a few seconds or minutes. Apparel can be worn repeatedly over a long period of time, making them a long-lasting investment that’s worth your money.

It Makes a Great Gift or Giveaway

You can create positive brand experiences by providing your customers or clients with relevant apparel that is suitable for the season. In the fall or winter, you can give out branded scarves or toques, and in the summer, you can hand out branded t-shirts. If your company is attending a sporting event, you can hand out branded headbands and activewear to the athletes. You can also use branded apparel for promotional giveaways as a marketing tactic.

Your brand is everything, so it’s time to include promotional clothing in your marketing mix if you haven’t already. Here at Minuteman Press Calgary Shepard, we offer a wide selection of promotional apparel that can be customized according to your branding needs. We can print your logo and tagline on t-shirts, jackets, hats, socks and many other items. Contact us today for a quote on your next batch of custom branded apparel!